About Me

(Campora San Giovanni, 1981) Claudio has worked for Al Jazeera documentary and the Al Jazeera Children Channel, and he has collaborated with Rai Tre on the first season of “Presa Diretta” with Riccardo Lacona. He has filmed more than 30 short films and documentaries.

He currently collaborates with the telestreet of Bologna, Teleimmagini. He wrote and directed telestreet’s first sitcom (Brutti, Sporchi e Cattivi), filmed as 42 episodes, as well as the trilogy “Rotsuma.” Claudio works with several magazines, including Cultura Calabrese, terrelibere.org, and La Voce delle Voci. He is the author of the documentaries Fratelli di Tav (2008), which has won numerous prizes, Paisà-Storie di migranti in Campania (2009), and ‘Un pagamu-la tassa sulla paura (2011) winner of both the Ghedi and Val Bormida Film festivals, and recipient of an honorable mention at the Trani film festival. Claudio wrote and directed L’avvelenata-cronaca di una deriva (2012) and Joggi Avant Folk:15 anni suonati (2013).
